The Blind Podmaker
Tips and tricks on podcasting from a blindness perspective
2 years ago

Episode 32 – Take your audio to the next level with Auphonic

Auphonic develops intelligent audio algorithms using a combination of AI and signal processing to provide an automated audio post production web service — an audio autopilot for podcasts, broadcasts, radio, interviews, audiobooks, lecture recordings, and more. Users just upload their recorded audio, and Auphonic will do the rest: neither complicated parameter settings nor audio expert knowledge are necessary. The site is fully screen reader accessible.

In this episode, Jonathan Mosen speaks with Georg Holzmann, the audio engineer who founded Auphonic, about what the service can do. He then offers a comprehensive demonstration of the power of Auphonic, creating single and multi-track productions, watch folders, connecting Auphonic to external services and using its advanced parameters.

Visit Auphonic at