The Blind Podmaker
Tips and tricks on podcasting from a blindness perspective
11 months ago

Episode 37 – A game changer. Samuel Greene from Zoom North America discusses the fully accessible Essential Series recorders

Those of us who use Zoom digital recorders in our content creation are familiar with the work-arounds that blind people have used for years. We might prepare a menu map which we consult when we want to change a setting. We may have some degree of accessibility if we pair the recorder with our phone's and the recorder's corresponding app. But none of it is as efficient or as complete as the experience a sighted person has. That all changes with the new Essential Series from Zoom, the H1Essential, H4Essential, and H6Essential. Jonathan Mosen speaks with Samuel Greene, Zoom North America's Director of Product Development and Customer Support. We talk extensively about the accessible spoken menus, the benefits of 32 bit float recording, and the different features of the three members of the Essential series. Stay tuned as a future episode will have comprehensive demos of all three recorders.